Personal Work

Mock design for (an)y artist's merchandising
(left) - CD Mock up, branded wicked with a posed model | (right) - Towel mockup within the same brand but for another song/set of branded words for said artist.
Music genre: eDM
Design Capstone: Climate Havens
Zine | PResentation

The process of the start of the zine, left to right, to the final product
The Climate Haven zine was my final design project turning into my ultimate capstone.
Looking at Michigan as a climate haven, meaning a place with the most reliable resources and a haven to confide to when
thinking of climate change impacts. The zine defines this while giving examples with fun illustrative visuals. Breaking down what
types of communities we have already established - and how we may blend this to create a more plentiful life.

Tuscola County Advertiser
focus in web & print ad design.
Delivering 3 papers each week to the residents of Tuscola County and nearing areas.
Web Ads

Catalog & Newspaper Layout
Cass River Trader

The Advertiser: Newspaper Layout

Print Ads